Thunder perfect mind


For I am the first and the last.

I am the honored one and the scorned one.

I am the whore and the holy one.

I am the wife and the virgin.

I am and the daughter.

I am the members of my mother.

I am the barren one

and many are her sons.

I am she whose wedding is great,

and I have not taken a husband.

I am the midwife and she who does not bear.

I am the solace of my labor pains.

I am the bride and the bridegroom,

and it is my husband who begot me.

I am the mother of my father

and the sister of my husband

and he is my offspring.

I am the slave of him who prepared me.

I am the ruler of my offspring.

I am the staff of his power in his youth,

and he is the rod of my old age.

And whatever he wills happens to me.

I am the silence that is incomprehensible

and the idea whose remembrance is frequent.

I am the voice whose sound is manifold

and the word whose appearance is multiple.

I am the utterance of my name.

For I am knowledge and ignorance.

I am shame and boldness.

I am shameless; I am ashamed.

I am strength and I am fear.

I am war and peace.

Give heed to me.

I am the one who is disgraced and the great one........

在這史詩裡面我好像看到部份的自己, 矛盾充滿, 人類不就都是這樣

常常我希望一個人獨處, 但內心卻又希望有人陪伴

希望一個人堅強, 內心卻是膽小渴望保護

希望控制一切, 可是卻又希望被支配

想要生活很多變化, 卻又固執的要生活充滿秩序

常常想要很低調, 不想被注意, 但內心又渴望成為注目的對象

也許沒有矛盾, 我們就不是女性了


貓樣女人, 矛盾女人

人類, 太過危險的東西, 我交付僅有卻不懂珍惜

揮霍肆意, 已所剩無幾, 該要遠離, 卻徘徊猶疑

原來連我都背叛了自己, 不, 你要的我再也給不起

寧可獨自享受孤寂, 不應動搖的, 沒有開始就不會有結局

我是你永遠也無法明瞭的, 貓的纖細

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